Blog Post 3

ELA technology standards: I’m confident in teaching my students independence very early, I think it’s an extremely valuable life skill, not just school skill. Kids should feel comfortable asking their own questions to obtain information and not rely on others to help them or do the research. I want students to create their own ideas and not need a step-by-step guide. I’m also prepared to teach students how to critique and question authors. I will constantly ask them to question and analyze and not to simply listen to the author. I will personally need to learn more about how to teach students to adjust to different audiences, and how to fluidly write while continuously coming back to one main purpose. It can be difficult not to sound repetitive when you constantly come back to your purpose, but you also don’t want to get off topic and end up in a different direction with your writing than where you started. 

The age range of my students is 2nd-4th grade so using email to keep parents up to date with what their children are learning would be very useful, and to send out any announcements, since it is hard to always trust that a 9 year old will remember to tell their parents information I have gone over in class. Using educational videos in class lessons would also be useful to keep students entertained, such as using "TeacherTube." Since they're elementary schoolers I wouldn't expect them to make web blogs and twitters. Regarding the "Digital citizen concepts" I would definitely have to address protecting the student's personal information online, since they are young minors. Also, I would go over cyberbullying and make sure they behave respectfully whenever they are online. It's better to teach children about online bullying while they're young so when they start using the internet more as they're older, they already know the acceptable behavior and how to deal with cyberbullying when they are witnessing it. 

While creating my Newsletter design I learned a lot about how to correctly outline and word a good permission slip to go along with relevant articles. I learned how to explain a goal of mine while getting parents more involved in their child’s education. I think I could include more details about certain topics next time, but I also feel like I did a good job continuously reminding parents to include certain concerns in the permission slip throughout the three articles. I included my email so they could instantly contact me with extra questions. In my Newsletter, I included that I desired to implement a class website where elementary aged students answer online quizzes for homework after watching videos and analyzing graphics etc. I will definitely consider doing that in my actual career. I think it’s a great idea to have students do online assignments rather than worksheets. The world is headed in a more “paper free” direction and I want my students to be as up to date as possible and looking towards their future.

Text Box: 5th grade Environmental ScienceMs. Clarke; September 2017; click here to email me

Class Pets!!
This year, I am planning on having a classroom pet for the students to observe and watch grow. One idea of mine is to get an incubator and chick eggs from a local farm, the students would observe and record data about the eggs and eventually see them hatch into baby chicks. Another idea is buying a salt water fish tank, which I assume would be the best if your child has pet allergies. (Please list any allergies on the form attached) The students can observe multiple fish species and coral interacting with each other. I will also be asking the students for suggestions and you are welcome to list pet suggestions on the attached form.

Technology in the classroom:
I will be requiring my students to get familiar with basic educational technological applications this year, such as PowerPoint and Word. Also, there will be a class website where I will expect students to watch videos or analyze tables and graphics in order to complete online quizzes. I will definitely need your support with this, Parents. If your student will not have access to a computer, please let me know. If you have any issues with your child using certain applications, also let me know. I will never be posting any of the student’s personal information, classwork, or essays online. The class website will only be for them to use for assignments and their results will be private. I will be having a class lesson on cyberbullying before introducing the website as well.

Environmental ethics:
I will be teaching students basic environmental and scientific theories this year. Why is this important?
·      For kids to learn from a young age how much they impact the world around them
·      They can make a difference now
·      They will have background knowledge when they hear conflicting opinions and can create their own
·      They can educate others
·      We only have one world, we need to take care of it and so do future generations
I’m very excited for this school year and I can’t wait to implement these ideas and many more! Thank you, Parents, for being involved in your child’s education.

 Text Box: Please keep Newsletter and RETURN THIS PERMISSION SLIP

• I, ______________________, allow/do not allow (circle one) my child to participate in technological activities and have access to the class website.
• My child DOES have at home computer access. Yes/No (circle one)
• Certain online applications my child can NOT use: (list any) 



• Please list any allergies your child has below, specifically include ANIMAL allergies: ______________________________


• Additional comments or concerns about information in this newsletter (Also, emailing me is always an option): 





• All responses above are accurate and honest:
Parent/Guardian signature: 



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