Blog Post 2

As a student, starting as early as 5th grade, teachers have required me to use MicroSoft word to write out final copies of research papers, stories, and projects. They always said it would look most professional that way.Teachers would always use Microsoft word to hand out flyers with important announcements or to project to the class on an overhead.

Growing up, the majority of my teachers used copyrighted material to make topics more interesting. Such as copyrighted movies, short videos, pictures, and diagrams. For projects, I would frequently be required to include pictures for a more aesthetic appeal. When developing my own material as a teacher, when I include copyrighted media, I will make sure that it has a very specific purpose and meaning. The code for Media uses in education are more or less flexible guidelines, which is nice, the website did a nice job laying out suggestions and the rights that teachers have, so I will feel very comfortable using media in my classroom. I believe media is an excellent teaching and engagement tool.

Technology implementation issues and solutions:
1. For students, a huge issue with technology can be the cyberbullying that goes along with not having a face to face conversation, and instead hiding behind a screen. I would never tolerate bullying of any kind happening in my classroom, so this is an issue I would absolutely need to stop immediately (if it happened). One solution would be to stop the problem before it starts, I would explain cyberbullying to my students and talk about the consequences that come from it. If I address the issue before it happens, it may never start. If it did though, I would use online Cyberbullying resources, contact parents, and monitor the accounts the students are using for my class more closely.

2. Student privacy can be a huge issue, especially because my students will be young minors. There are acts such as COPPA and CIPA to protect children online, which is great. The best solution for protecting my student's privacy is to read the guidelines and become familiar with what is and what is not allowed. Absolutely no information about a students identity or location is allowed online. If I'm posting a student's work online, parental permission is always necessary. Schools and districts will also have procedures to keep students safe and for teachers to follow.

3. Copyright law is extremely important to follow because if you use someone's work that isn't copyrighted then legal action can be taken against you. I would make sure to always see that the video, music, paper etc. is blatantly copyrighted, if I am unsure I would simply not use it and not take the risk. I would inform my students of these copy right laws and explain that it's just like plagiarism. It's a very easy problem to avoid, it's just vital that it is avoided.


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