
Showing posts from October, 2017

Blog Post 8

Lots of adaptive technology can be used to help students with special needs. Concept mapping is a helpful tool. It helps students visually see how abstract ideas are interconnected and provides writing organization help. Recorded books and electronic texts can help visually impaired students listen to audio in order to still retain information from text. I’ve listened to audio books in the car while driving, so I understand that it’s a great alternative to actually reading a book. I think challenges would arise with audio books, if other children are silently reading and one child needs to have an audio book playing out loud, that would be distracting. But the class could take turns reading passages aloud together to solve this issue. Using PowerPoint to teach students at each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy would be easier than with some other forms of technology. For remembering basic facts, PowerPoint enables teachers to use catchy transitions and graphics for kids to recall later on

Blog Post 7

So far from my experience on twitter, I’ve learned there’s a lot more educational, verified, updated accounts then I knew prior to using twitter for class purposes. Twitter is also helpful to view to what my professor is tweeting. I can see if I forgot about an assignment or if there’s anything important coming up. A benefit of using Twitter for class is the articles that educational accounts will post. If a reliable account posts an educational article, I can assume that they have read many articles or have filtered through articles and enjoy that one the most. Instead of going to google to find articles and news, I can go straight to reliable accounts. I am not experiencing any issues with Twitter so far. From working on my Web Page Design assignment I have learned a few things from using Weebly. One, creating a website does not have to be difficult, expensive, or time sucking. I’ve learned how to organize a website and add nice images to each page. Also, adding google calendar

Blog Post 6

I decided to explore outside of Florida and I chose to visit the California R-1 Elementary School Website. It immediately showed their school mascot on the home page. There’s a calendar with lots of information about different events coming up, like teacher conferences. In the class pages’ section, I clicked on Ms. Doll’s 3 rd grade class. It opened up to a cute flyer with kid superhero images. Publicly , lots of upcoming dates were listed about movie nights, fundraisers, and homecoming spirit week. Ms. Doll also included short paragraphs of what her students were currently learning in Reading, Science, Math, and Writing. Next, I clicked on Mrs. Howard's 2 nd grade class link and it led me directly to her public class Facebook page. It included upcoming dates, pictures from their recent field trip  to see caves, and it even included videos of her class’s last play production.